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  • China Heights 16-28 Foster Street Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Australia (map)

China Heights gallery presents 'PEACEMEAL or FEATHER OF FORGIVENESS' a solo exhibition by Sonny Day, who has been associated with the gallery since 2007. Known for his satirical observations of popular culture, Day’s latest work integrates a decade of artistic development into a cohesive narrative reminiscent of a fragmented comic book.

Day describes 'PEACEMEAL' as follows: “Peacemeal was made piece by piece. Looking back at the work I’ve made over the last 10 years these pieces have come together to tell a story. Pieces of a comic book read out of order. An attempt to take the negativity in our lives and turn it into a positive, a release, a reset. Peace by piece.” The exhibition explores the transformation of negativity into positivity, with each artwork functioning as an individual piece that collectively forms a larger story.

Through this exhibition, Day uses humor and satire to encourage viewers to reflect on their own experiences. 'PEACEMEAL' offers a fresh perspective on how fragmented moments can be reassembled into a source of cathartic insight.

5 July

05.07.24 Colour Reversal

13 September

13.09.24 ‘Yaam ngaya ngaarlu’ - I am water