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15.03.19 A Midsummer's Night

Allie Webb

A warm evening in Rome, the city full of lively bustle.
The pleasures of eating, there is no rush.
’A Midsummer’s Night’ is drawn from memories of a recent trip to Italy.

Allie Webbs work celebrates modern daily life with a focus around the dining table. It is the combination of observing relationships, symbolism found in objects and the many rituals associated with food. The prints are flat, black, and bold. They draw inspiration from facets of German Expressionism, pop and Momento Mori still life paintings.

Based in Sydney, Webb is an established linocut print artist. She studied Communication Design at RMIT before working as a book designer at Penguin Lantern. She’s the art director for Sydney’s Swillhouse Group which includes Restaurant Hubert, Alberto’s Lounge, The Baxter Inn, Frankie’s Pizza and Shady Pines Saloon.

15 February

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20 April

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