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26.03.21 ...and it felt like forever

‘…and it felt like forever’ is a collection of photo dairies that document Jesse Lizotte’s life and its various transitions. These have been captured ‘as the cards fall’ and composed in a seemingly random manner reminiscent of Jesse’s own bedroom walls.

Rendering through time and space in a non linear way, the work is both intimate and vulnerable in exposing private moments, memories and streams of consciousness through the documentation of places, lovers and personal trepidations. Almost voyeuristic in its approach, Jesse reveals snapshots into his youthful disorientations, manifesting souvenirs of time passed through sketches, mementos and personal letters. Each photograph acts as a personable reminder of fleeting time and the binding present, inviting us to reassess the novelty of a photograph in its ability to capture passing time and memory.

‘…and it felt like forever’ rests as Jesse’s visual memoir, a cumulation of collected images sharing a personal window into his life, where time stands still and moments once adrift are revisited.

12 February

12.02.21 Ngalunggirr Miinggi (Healing spirit)

23 April

23.04.21 Private Guests Only